Date d'entrée en vigueur: 18.11.2021

Dernière mise à jour: 23.04.2024


Avant d'utiliser notre site Web, veuillez lire attentivement les présentes Conditions générales. En enregistrant un Compte de joueur sur le site Web, vous confirmez votre accord avec les Conditions générales.

Le site web ("Casino", "Site web", "Société", "Nous", "Notre", "Nos") est détenu et exploité par Hollycorn N.V., une société enregistrée et établie selon les lois de Curaçao, avec le numéro d'enregistrement 144359 et l'adresse enregistrée à 39, Scharlooweg, Willemstad, Curaçao, et sa filiale à part entière, Libergos Limited, enregistrée à Chypre avec le numéro d'enregistrement ΗΕ 371971 et l'adresse enregistrée 1-3, Boumpoulinas, BOUBOULINA BUILDING, Flat/Office 42, 1060, Nicosie, Chypre. Hollycorn N.V. est autorisé et réglementé par Antillephone N.V. (licence n° 8048/JAZ2019-015).

Il est de la seule responsabilité du joueur de se renseigner sur les lois et règlements existants dans la juridiction donnée pour les jeux en ligne.

Ces Conditions générales sont entrées en vigueur le 15.02.2021, dernière mise à jour le 25.02.2021. Vous êtes tenu de les lire avant de commencer à utiliser les services du Casino. Si vous n'acceptez pas ces Conditions générales, vous n'êtes pas autorisé à utiliser les services du Casino.

L'enregistrement et les visites au Casino constituent une confirmation de votre accord avec les présentes Conditions générales.


Le Casino se réserve le droit de modifier unilatéralement ces Conditions générales lorsque le besoin s'en fait sentir. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour informer nos joueurs de tout changement significatif par courriel. Cependant, nous recommandons à tous les joueurs de revisiter cette page régulièrement et de vérifier les changements éventuels.

Le Casino se réserve le droit de modifier ces conditions à tout moment, avec ou sans avis au joueur.

Les modifications sont considérées comme effectives dès leur publication sur le site Web du Casino.

L'utilisation des services du Casino après la publication des modifications constitue une confirmation de votre acceptation de ces modifications.

La langue principale du site Web du Casino, y compris les présentes Conditions générales, est l'anglais, et toute erreur de traduction est interprétée en faveur du Casino.


Le Casino n'accepte que les joueurs des pays et régions géographiques où les jeux en ligne sont autorisés par la loi. Il est de la seule responsabilité du joueur de se renseigner sur les lois et règlements en vigueur dans la juridiction concernée avant de placer des paris sur le site Web.

Le Casino accepte les joueurs adultes uniquement (l'âge minimum est de 18 ans) et les joueurs qui ont atteint l'âge spécifié par la juridiction du lieu de résidence du joueur comme étant éligible pour les jeux en ligne. Il est de la seule responsabilité du joueur de se renseigner sur les lois et règlementations en vigieur dans la juridiction donnée concernant les limites d'âge pour les jeux en ligne.

Il est de votre entière et unique responsabilité de vous renseigner et de vous assurer que vous n'enfreignez pas les lois qui vous sont applicables en participant aux jeux. Le dépôt de fonds réels et le jeu pour de l'argent réel sont soumis aux lois de votre pays, et il est de votre seule responsabilité de respecter les réglementations de votre pays.

La Société se réserve le droit de demander une justification d'âge au joueur et de limiter l'accès au site Web ou de suspendre le compte de joueur des joueurs qui ne remplissent pas cette condition.

Aucun bonus n'est disponible pour les joueurs de Suède y compris la participation à tout type de programme promotionnel, la réception de récompenses VIP, ainsi que l'échange de points de fidélité.

Les utilisateurs des pays suivants et de leurs territoires ( "pays à accès restreint" ) ne sont pas autorisés à déposer et à jouer à des jeux pour de l'argent réel : États-Unis d'Amérique, Royaume-Uni, Espagne, France, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane française, Réunion, Mayotte, St. Martin, Polynésie française, Wallis et Futuna, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Pays-Bas, Israël, Lituanie, Antilles néerlandaises, Thaïlande, Chypre, Curaçao, Gibraltar, Jersey, Russie, Ukraine, Belgique, Grèce, Portugal, République tchèque, Hongrie, Serbie, Angola, Anguilla, Burkina Faso, Cap-Vert, Îles Cayman, Chine, Côte d'Ivoire, Érythrée, Éthiopie, Guatemala, Hong Kong, RDP Lao, Liberia, Macao, Maurice, Paraguay, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Ouganda, Cuba, Syrie, Corée du Nord, Iran, Géorgie, Estonie, Albanie, Irak, Jamaïque, Pakistan, Panama, Liban, Zimbabwe, Nicaragua, Yémen, République centrafricaine, Soudan, Somalie, République du Congo, République démocratique du Congo, Haïti, Myanmar, Soudan du Sud, Libye, Mali, Barbade, Îles néerlandaises des Caraïbes (Aruba, Bonaire, St Martin, St Eustache et Saba), Turquie, Porto Rico, Hawaï. Îles Åland, Île Norfolk, Lettonie, Bahreïn, Mongolie, Croatie, Tchéquie, Roumanie, Bangladesh, Bulgarie, Nigeria, Malaisie, Antarctique, Tanzanie, Tunisie, Tchad, Honduras, Macédoine, Andorre, Trinité-et-Tobago, Égypte, Guam, Bahamas, Sahara occidental, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Monaco, Singapour, Cambodge, El Salvador, Liechtenstein, Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien, Fidji, Île de Noël, Bolivie, Groenland, Îles Féroé, Palestine, Indonésie, Bénin, Bermudes, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, Seychelles, Géorgie du Sud et îles Sandwich du Sud, Viêt Nam, Taïwan, Équateur, Samoa, Saint-Siège (État de la Cité du Vatican), République démocratique populaire lao, République dominicaine, Îles Cook, Tonga, Guernesey, Vanuatu, Îles Vierges, Belize, Monténégro, Oman, Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis, Niger, Gabon, Curaçao, Biélorussie, Swaziland, Ghana, Dominique, Burundi, île Bouvet, Togo, îles Mariannes du Nord, Tokélaou, Suriname, Sainte-Lucie, Sri Lanka, Zambie, Botswana, Saint-Martin (partie française), Djibouti, île de Man, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Îles Salomon, Îles Falkland (Malvinas), Sénégal, Cameroun, Cabo Verde, Kenya, Kirghizstan, Tuvalu, Îles Cocos (Keeling), Antigua-et-Barbuda, Guinée, Brunei Darussalam, Bonaire, Tadjikistan, Sao Tomé-et-Principe, Guadeloupe, Madagascar, Heard Island et McDonald Islands, Montserrat, Mozambique, Népal, République centrafricaine, Guyana, Guinée-Bissau, Nauru, îles Turks et Caicos, Bhoutan, Namibie, Kiribati, Malawi, Guinée équatoriale, Sainte-Hélène, Saint-Barthélemy, Pitcairn, Îles mineures éloignées des États-Unis, Palau, Gambie, Niue, Maldives, Macao, Turkménistan, Grenade, Micronésie, Timor-Leste, Saint-Martin (partie néerlandaise), Mauritanie, Îles Marshall, Comores, Azerbaïdjan, Algérie, Arménie, Philippines, Svalbard et Jan Mayen, Samoa américaines, Mexique, Arabie saoudite, Inde, Pologne, Afghanistan, Suède, Moldavie, Islande, Corée du Sud, Qatar, Argentine, Maroc, Costa Rica, Uruguay, Ouzbékistan, Chili, Venezuela, Colombie, Porto Rico, Pérou. Le Casino ne peut pas garantir le bon traitement des retraits ou des remboursements dans le cas où le joueur enfreint cette politique de pays restreints.


Veuillez garder à l'esprit que certains jeux peuvent être indisponibles dans certaines juridictions, comme l'exigent les politiques des fournisseurs de jeux qui peuvent changer de temps à autre.

L'utilisation d'un VPN pour contourner le blocage du fournisseur est strictement interdite et peut entraîner la confiscation des gains.

1. Restriction absolue

NetEnt ne permettra pas que les jeux du casino NetEnt soient fournis à une entité qui opère dans l'une des juridictions ci-dessous (que les jeux de casino NetEnt soient ou non fournis par l'entité dans cette juridiction) sans les licences appropriées. Belgique, Bulgarie, Colombie, Croatie, République tchèque, Danemark, Estonie, France, Italie, Lettonie, Lituanie, Mexique, Portugal, Roumanie, Espagne, Suède, Suisse, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis d'Amérique.

2. Liste noire des territoires

Tous les jeux de casino NetEnt ne peuvent pas être proposés dans les territoires suivants :

Afghanistan, Albanie, Algérie, Angola, Bahamas, Botswana, Belgique, Bulgarie, Colombie, Croatie, République tchèque, Danemark, Estonie, Équateur, Éthiopie, France, Ghana, Guyane, Hong Kong, Italie, Iran, Irak, Israël, Koweït, Lettonie, Lituanie, Mexique, Namibie, Nicaragua, Corée du Nord, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Portugal, Roumanie, Singapour, Espagne, Suède, Suisse, Soudan, Syrie, Taiwan, Trinité-et-Tobago, Tunisie, Ouganda, Royaume-Uni, États-Unis d'Amérique, Yémen, Zimbabwe.

3. Liste noire des territoires interdits pour certains jeux de marque

Les jeux de marque NetEnt suivants ont quelques restrictions supplémentaires en plus des territoires indiqués sur la liste noire ci-dessus

3.1 En plus des juridictions mentionnées au paragraphe 2, la machine à sous vidéo La Planète des Singes ne doit pas être proposée dans les territoires suivants:

Azerbaïdjan, Chine, Inde, Malaisie, Qatar, Russie, Thaïlande, Turquie, Ukraine.

3.2 En plus des juridictions mentionnées au paragraphe 2, la machine à sous vidéo Vikings ne doit pas être proposée dans les juridictions suivantes :

Azerbaïdjan, Cambodge, Canada, Chine, France, Inde, Indonésie, Laos, Malaisie, Myanmar, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, Qatar, Russie, Corée du Sud, Thaïlande, Turquie, Ukraine, États-Unis d'Amérique.

3.3 En plus des juridictions mentionnées au paragraphe 2, la machine à sous vidéo Narcos ne doit pas être proposée dans les territoires suivants : Indonésie, Corée du Sud.

3.4 En plus des juridictions mentionnées au paragraphe 2, la machine à sous vidéo Street Fighter ne doit pas être proposée dans les territoires suivants :

Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentine, Aruba, Barbade, Bahamas, Belize, Bermudes, Bolivie, Bonaire, Brésil, Îles Vierges britanniques, Canada, Îles Cayman, Chine, Chili, Île Clipperton, Colombie, Costa Rica, Cuba, Curaçao, Dominique, République dominicaine, Salvador, Groenland, Grenade, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyane, Haïti, Honduras, Jamaïque, Japon, Martinique, Mexique, Montserrat, île Navassa, Paraguay, Pérou, Porto Rico, Saba, Saint-Barthélemy, Saint-Eustache, Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Martin, Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines, Corée du Sud, Suriname, îles Turques-et-Caïques, États-Unis d'Amérique, Uruguay, îles Vierges américaines, Vénézuéla.

3.5 En plus des juridictions mentionnées au paragraphe 2, la machine à sous vidéo Fashion TV ne doit pas être proposée dans les territoires suivants : Cuba, Jordanie, Turquie, Arabie saoudite.

4. Universal Monsters (Dracula, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Phantoms Curse et The Invisible Man) ne peuvent être joués que dans les territoires suivants :

Andorre, Autriche, Arménie, Azerbaïdjan, Biélorussie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Chypre, Finlande, Géorgie, Allemagne, Grèce, Hongrie, Islande, Irlande, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malte, Moldavie, Monaco, Monténégro, Macédoine du Nord, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Russie, Saint-Marin, Serbie, Slovaquie, Slovénie, Turquie et Ukraine.


Le site permet de jouer en utilisant les devises suivantes:

1. Euro (ci-après "EUR") 2. dollar américain (ci-après "USD") 3. dollar canadien (ci-après "CAD") 4. Dollar australien (ci-après "AUD") 5. Le dollar néo-zélandais (ci-après " NZD ") 6. Bitcoin (ci-après " BTC ") et autres crypto-monnaies telles que " ETH ", " DOGE ", " BCH ", " LTC ", " USDT ", " ADA ", " XRP ", " TRX ", " USDC ", " BNB ".


You are fully responsible for paying all fees and taxes applied to your winnings according to the laws of the jurisdiction of your residence.


By accepting these Terms and Conditions you confirm that you know and understand the rules of the games offered on the Website. It is at your discretion to familiarise yourself with the theoretical payout percentage of each game.


By accepting these Terms and Conditions you confirm your awareness of the fact that gambling may lead to losing money. The company is not liable for any possible financial damage arising from your use of the Website.

The company is not liable of any hardware or software defects, unstable or lost Internet connection, or any other technical errors that may limit access to the Website or prevent any players from uninterrupted play.

In the unlikely case where a wager is confirmed or a payment is performed by us in error, the Company reserves the right to cancel all wagers accepted containing such an error, or to correct the mistake by re-settling all the wagers at the correct terms that should have been available at the time that the wager was placed in the absence of the error.

If we mistakenly credit your Player Account with a deposit, bonus or winnings that do not belong to you, whether due to a technical issue, error in the paytables, human error or otherwise, the amount and/or the winnings from such bonus or deposit will remain the company property and will be deducted from your Player Account. If you have withdrawn funds that do not belong to you prior to us becoming aware of the error, the mistakenly paid amount will (without prejudice to other remedies and actions that may be available at law) constitute a debt owed by you to us. In the event of an incorrect crediting, you are obliged to notify us immediately by email.

The company, its directors, employees, partners, service providers:

  • do not warrant that the software or the Website is/are fit for their purpose;
  • do not warrant that the software and Website are free from errors;
  • do not warrant that the Website and/or games will be accessible without interruptions;
  • shall not be liable for any loss, costs, expenses or damages, whether direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental or otherwise, arising in relation to your use of the Website or your participation in the games.

You hereby agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless the company, its directors, employees, partners, and service providers for any cost, expense, loss, damages, claims and liabilities howsoever caused that may arise in relation to your use of the Website or participation in the Games.

You acknowledge that the company shall be the final decision-maker of whether you have violated the company’s Terms and Conditions in a manner that results in your suspension or permanent barring from participation in the Website.


Each player can create only one (1) personal account.

Creating multiple Player Accounts by a single player will lead to termination of all such accounts and confiscation of all funds including deposited funds. The player shall not provide access to their Player Account or allow using the Website to any third party including but not limited to minors.

Any returns, winnings or bonuses which the player has gained or accrued during such time as the Duplicate Account was active may be reclaimed by us, and players undertake to return to us on demand any such funds which have been withdrawn from the Duplicate Account.

The Website can only be used for personal purposes and shall not be used for any type of commercial profit.

You must maintain your account and keep your details up-to-date.

We reserve the right to make a phone call to the number provided in your user account, which at our own discretion can be a necessary part of the KYC procedure. Withdrawals may be terminated until the account is fully verified. We will make reasonable efforts trying to contact you regarding the withdrawal of the funds, but if we are not able to reach you (by email or phone) in two (2) weeks, account will be locked, since you have failed to pass the KYC procedure.


The Company has a strict anti-fraud policy and utilises various anti-fraud tools and techniques. If the player is suspected of fraudulent actions including, but not limited to:

  • participating in any type of collusion with other players
  • development of strategies aimed at gaining of unfair winnings
  • fraudulent actions against other online companies or payment providers
  • chargeback transactions with a credit card or denial of some payments made
  • creating two or more accounts
  • low risk roulette play where the player betting equal stakes for both black/red or even/odd covering 25 or more out of 37 numbers on the table. (Placing bets on black/red only covers 36 of 37 possible numbers).
  • other types of cheating

or becomes a bankrupt in the country of their residence, the Company reserves the right to terminate such Player Account and suspend all payouts to the player if they are suspected in money laundering. This decision is at the sole discretion of the Company and the player will be notified about the reasons of such actions. The Company also reserves the right to inform applicable regulatory bodies of the fraudulent actions performed by the player.

In the event of chargeback at the account, the casino reserves the right to:

  • charge the player a sum equivalent to the players available balance funds in order to compensate damages and expenses suffered by an incurred as a result of chargeback;
  • claim further damages and financial losses from the player by contacting them via one of the methods provided during the registration process (i.e. phone, e-mail, etc.);
  • close player's personal account and/or discard all and any winnings gained as a result of such act or attempt to act.

The company has zero tolerance to advantage play. Any player who will try to gain advantage of company welcome offers or other promotions agrees that Company reserves the right to void bonuses and any winnings from such bonuses, for the reasons of:

  • use of stolen cards;
  • chargebacks;
  • creating more than one account in order to get advantage from company promotions;
  • providing incorrect registration data;
  • any other actions which may damage the Casino;

The Casino reserves the right to close your Player Account and to refund to you the amount on your account balance, subject to deduction of relevant withdrawal charges, at Casino’s absolute discretion and without any obligation to state a reason or give prior notice.

In order to verify player`s account casino management require documents (ID, payment systems, utility bills еtc) in Latin or Cyrillic alphabet. In case player doesn’t have an opportunity to provide documents in above-mentioned alphabets casino reserves the right to demand video verification where player shows his/her documents.

The Casino reserves the right to retain payments, if suspicion or evidence exists of manipulation of the casino system. Criminal charges will be brought against any user or any other person(s) who has/have manipulated the casino system or attempted to do so. The Casino reserves the right to terminate and/or change any games or events being offered on the Website.

Should you become aware of any possible errors or incompleteness in the software, you agree to refrain from taking advantage of them. Moreover, you agree to report to the Casino any error or incompleteness immediately. Should you fail to fulfill such obligations, the Casino has a right to full compensation for all costs related to the error or incompleteness, including any costs incurred in association with the respective error/incompleteness and the failed notification.

Please note that if you requested a withdrawal, but the sum of bets made since last deposit is less than three (3) times the size of that deposit, the Casino reserves the right to charge you the costs of transaction processing for deposit and withdrawals. This decision is at the sole discretion of the Casino.

Tout dépôt doit être misé 3 fois (le joueur doit placer trois fois le montant de son dépôt) avant que le retrait des fonds liés à ce dépôt ne soit possible. Si plusieurs dépôts ont été effectués sans activité de jeu, le joueur doit miser le montant total de ces dépôts avant le retrait. Dans le cas contraire, le Casino a le droit de facturer des frais pour la procédure de dépôt et de retrait, ce qui relève de la seule décision du Casino.

Traduit avec (version gratuite)

The casino is not a financial institution and thus should not be treated as such. Your account will not bear any interests and no conversion or exchange services (including fiat-crypto exchange) will be offered at any time.


The Website offers a variety of payment methods. They include VISA and MasterCard credit and debit cards, as well as various alternative payment methods. Please note that all payments with Paysafe are processed via Hollycorn N.V.

Contact our support team at [email protected] to inquire about the payment methods which are most favorable for your country of residence.

The Company does not accept third party payments. You must make deposits only from a bank account, bank cards, e-wallets or other payment methods that are registered in your own name. If we determine during the security checks that you have violated this condition, your winnings will be confiscated and the original deposit will be returned to the owner of the payment account. The Company is not responsible for the lost funds deposited from third party accounts.

Please note that the minimal amount of deposit is 20€ or an equivalent. The maximum amount of deposit depends on the payment method you decide to use and will appear when choosing the payment method.

Kindly note that due to the nature of cryptocurrencies, deposit limits cannot be applied to the deposits made through CoinsPaid payment system. If you want to limit your gambling in the casino, please, use any other available option.


The minimal amount for withdrawal is 30€ or an equivalent. The maximum amount for withdrawal depends on the payment method you use. If the requested amount exceeds the limit of a particular payment system, the amount will be withdrawn in installments.

The Casino reserves the right to check your identity prior to processing payouts and to hold any refund or withdrawals for the time needed to check your identity. In case you provide false or incompleted Personal Data, the withdrawal can be refused and the Player Account terminated, of which you will be informed by email. Reporting by the Casino to applicable regulatory bodies of actions performed by the player may be required.

The Website supports payouts via Original Credit Transfer (OCT) from Visa and via Payment Transfer from Mastercard. Additional requirements are that the respective credit card is not a corporate credit card and the card is issued in a supported country.

For Visa, the following countries are not supported: USA, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore.

For Mastercard, only the following countries are supported: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United Kingdom.

Please note that even for supported countries the Casino is not able to guarantee successful credit card payment processing in all cases, since banks issuing credit cards may block or reject such transactions at their own discretion.

The internal operating currency of the Website is Euro. Due to this fact, in case you transact in other currencies, the amount deducted from your credit card may be insignificantly higher than displayed at the time of transaction due to currency conversions on the side of your bank and/or the Casino's payment processing system.

All Bank Transfer payouts are in principle processed within three (3) banking days. Please mind that you will not be able to request a Bank Transfer for USD payouts.

You acknowledge that withdrawals via bank transfers can in exceptional cases be subject to additional charges by the intermediary banks. These charges remain outside the influence of The Casino and are in our experience limited to the equivalent of EUR 16.

The minimum withdrawal amount from the gaming account per transaction is EUR 30 / USD 30 / AUD 45 / CAD 45 / NZD 45 / BTC and other cryptocurrencies at the EUR exchange rate.

The maximum withdrawal amount from the gaming account per transaction is EUR / USD 4,000 or equivalent in other currencies / BTC at the EUR exchange rate, except YandexMoney, Comepay, Sberbank Online, Mobile Commerce, Svyaznoy, Euroset, QIWI. The maximum withdrawal amount from the gaming account per transaction for Yandex Money, Comepay, Sberbank Online, Mobile Commerce, Svyaznoy, Euroset, QIWI is EUR 200 / USD 200.

The daily limit for funds withdrawal is USD 5.000 / EUR 5.000 / CHF 5.000 /AUD 7.500 / CAD 7.500 / NZD 7.500 / BTC and other cryptocurrencies at the EUR exchange rate.

The weekly limit for funds withdrawal EUR 10.000 / USD 10.000 / CHF 10.000 /AUD 15.000 / CAD 15,000 / NZD 15,000 / BTC and other cryptocurrencies at the EUR exchange rate.

The monthly limit for funds withdrawal is USD 30.000 / EUR 30.000 / CHF 10.000 /AUD 45.000 / CAD 45.000 / NZD 45.000 / BTC and other cryptocurrencies at the EUR exchange rate.

If you win more than €30.000, the Casino reserves the right to divide the payout into monthly instalments of maximum €30.000 until the full amount is paid out.

All progressive jackpot wins will be paid in full.

Finally, please keep in mind the Casino is not a financial institution. Your account will thus not bear any interests and no conversion or exchange services will be offered at any time.

The period of processing requests for withdrawals is from 0 to 24 hours.

Date of receipt of money on the Gambler's accounts outside of the Casino depends exclusively on banks and payment systems, to accounts of which the funds are withdrawn.


A refund request will only be considered if it is requested within the first twenty-four (24) hours of the alleged transaction, or within thirty (30) calendar days if a Player alleges that another individual has accessed his/her Player Account.

If you have funding your account with a Credit Card we reserve the right to pay all withdrawal requests up to the total amount deposited as refunds against the purchases you have made. If your withdrawals exceed the total amount deposited, any excess amount will be paid to you via one of our alternative methods available.

Before a refund is processed all bonuses and winnings in your balance will be deducted prior to calculating the amount to be refunded.

In case any Credit Card purchases are considered to carry an unacceptable risk for security or legal reasons either by our Payment processors or by the Casino, we will initiate refunds for all such transactions back to the Сredit Сard, and notify all the appropriate authorities and parties.

All costs that may occur upon refund procedure are on the player.


An inactive (dormant) account is a Player Account which a player has not logged into or logged out of for twelve (12) consecutive months. If your Player Account is deemed to be inactive, the Casino reserves the right to charge a monthly administrative fee of €10 or the equivalent in another currency (or the current balance of your account, if less) as long as the balance of your account remains positive.

You authorise the Casino to debit this fee from your Player Account at the beginning of the month following the day on which your account is deemed inactive, and at the beginning of every subsequent month that your account remains inactive. The Casino will stop deducting the fee if the account balance is zero or if the account is re-activated.


You agree that any claim and/or cause of action arising out of or related to these Terms and Conditions or a service provided by the Casino must be filed within one (1) year after such claim or cause of action arose.


You are free to contact our customer service team according to the instructions found on the Website to give us any complaints regarding our services.

Complaints are handled in the support department and escalated in the organisation of the Casino in the case that support personnel did not solve the case immediately. You shall be informed about the state of the complaint to a reasonable level.

Casino is to acknowledge a complaint started by the account holder only. It is forbidden to and you can therefore not assign, transfer, hand over or sell your complaint to the third party. Casino will dismiss the complaint if the matter is handed over to be conducted by the third party and not the original account owner.

If the dispute is not resolved on the casino management level, you can contact any independent body, gaming authority or the licensing regulator listed on the Website.

In the event of any dispute, you agree that the server logs and records shall act as the final authority in determining the outcome of any claim. You agree that in the unlikely event of a disagreement between the result that appears on your screen and the game server, the result that was logged on the game server will prevail, and you acknowledge and agree that our records will be the final authority in determining the terms and circumstances of your participation in the relevant online gaming activity and the results of this participation.

When we wish to contact you regarding such a dispute, we will do so by using any of the contact details provided in your Player Account.


Terms of the Bonus Policy, available bonuses and the conditions for their receipt are listed on the «Bonus terms» page( Terms of Bonus Policy are regarded to be an integral part of these Terms and Сonditions

The Casino reserves the right to amend the rules of the Bonus Policy at any time with notification of the Gambler about it, or without it.

The Casino reserves the right to review transaction history and logs for any reason and at any time. If during such a review the abuse of bonuses by the Gambler is found, the Casino has the right to cancel bonuses for this Gambler.

If the terms of the Bonus Policy are contrary to these Terms and Conditions, the terms of the Bonus Policy shall prevail.


You can not assign, pledge or transfer ownership under any title whatsoever to claims arising from these Terms and Conditions, the use of the Website or participation in the Games against the Casino without consent of the Casino. This prohibition is designed as a non-transferability clause ex article 83 paragraph 2 of book 3 of the Civil Code and includes the transfer of any assets of value of any kind, including but not limited to ownership of accounts, winnings, deposits, bets, rights and/or claims in connection with these assets, legal, commercial, or otherwise. The prohibition on said transfers also includes however is not limited to the encumbrance, pledging, assigning, usufruct, trading, brokering, hypothecation and/or gifting in cooperation with a fiduciary or any other third party, company, natural or legal individual, entity in any way shape or form.


All disputes which may arise between you and the Casino including their successors in title under general or special title as a result of these Terms and Conditions or as a result of further agreements and other acts in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be settled exclusively by arbitration in Cyprus and in accordance with Cyprus Civil Procedure Rules.


The Gambler fully understands the provisions contained in this Agreement and is obliged to comply with them.

The Gambler ensures that their age is 18 or older, but sufficient to participate in gambling, according to the legislation of the country of their residence.

The Gambler acknowledges that their details in the personal account of the Casinos are correct.

The Gambler acknowledges that they have only one active gaming account with the Casino.

The Gambler is obliged not to disclose the login details of their gaming account to third parties and not to allow the third parties to gamble at the Casino through their gaming account.

The Gambler is responsible for the security of the gaming account access data, as well as for the security of accounts in social networks that are used for gambling at the Casino.

The Gambler confirms that they are not a Casino employee or a relative of a Casino employee.

The Gambler is responsible for all actions taken at the Casino through their gaming account.

The Gambler acknowledges that they are aware of the risk of losing money in the course of gambling.

The Gambler assumes the obligation not to carry out illegal financial transactions, the legalization of proceeds from crime, and any other operation in violation of applicable law, through the Casino.

The Gambler acknowledges that they do not use the funds for third parties to replenish the Casino account.

The Gambler agrees that the Casino has the right to require additional verification of their identity or their actions at the Casino website.

The Gambler understands that the Casino has the right to cancel their bets if: • the Gambler or a third party can affect the outcome of a bet; • the Gambler or affiliated third parties violated the Terms and Conditions; • the outcome of a bet was the result of illegal actions; • the bet was made during any technical failure.

The Gambler agrees that if they broke these rules or the Casino has reasonable grounds to assume that the Gambler has violated the rules, the Casino reserves the right to suspend their gaming account, cancel the bets, refuse to pay the winnings or use the funds on the Gambler’s gaming account for compensation of its own losses resulting from the actions of the Gambler.

If a double spend is detected in the Gambler for Bitcoins, the account is disabled, all the funds in the Gambler's balance are seized in favor of the Casino.

If the Gambler fails to provide the requested documents within two weeks from the date of the request for withdrawal, the withdrawal of funds is canceled, and the Gambler’s account is locked. In this case, the Casino has the right to suspect the Gambler in illegal activities, Casino fraud, provision of false information, cheating and other fraudulent activities. The Casino reserves the right to lock all bets and winnings, or to use the funds on the gaming account of such Gambler for the compensation of its own losses and potential losses of third parties, if player after this lock can still provide legit documents for unlocking and verifying the account it will be ulocked for the player.


The content on the Casino website is subject to copyright and other proprietary rights held by the Casino or used under license from third party rights owners. All downloadable or printed materials contained on the website may only be downloaded to a single personal computer and can be printed solely for personal and non-commercial use.

Under no circumstances the use of the website grants the user any rights to the intellectual property (e.g. copyright, know-how or trademarks) owned by the Casino or any other third party.

Any use or reproduction of the trade name, trademarks, logos or other creative materials presented on this site is prohibited.

You will be solely responsible for any damage, costs or expenses arising out of or in connection with any prohibited activities.


If any of the Terms becomes void, illegal or in any degree loses their validity, such term, condition or provision will to the appropriate extent be separated from the remaining provisions, terms and language, which shall fully retain their validity, as provided by legislation.


These Terms and Conditions are subject to and construed in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands Antilles, and you irrevocably submit to the exclusive (single) law of the courts of the jurisdiction of the Netherlands Antilles for the settlement of any disputes (including claims for compensation and counterclaims) which may arise in connection with creation, legitimacy, effect, interpretation or action, or the legal relationship established by the Terms and Conditions or in any way arising from them.

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